
Over time IGR has positioned itself as a timely and cost-effective provider of different grades and sizes of coal and coke from the best producing regions in the world, via alliances and partnerships with well-established, and innovative coal miners and coke manufacturers.

IGR supplies anthracite coal, bituminous coal (both metallurgical coal and thermal coal), sub-bituminous coal and metallurgical coke. IGR is not involved in trading and supplying lignite coal.

Anthracite Coal

Anthracite Coal

IGR provides different grades and sizes of anthracite coal from established anthracite coal miners from the finest ultra high-grade producing regions of the world.


Metallurgical Coal

Metallurgical Coal

Metallurgical coal trading market structure is predominantly oligopoly. Few players control a significant share of the market.


Thermal Coal

Thermal Coal

IGR has access to thermal coal in USA, Australia, Indonesia, and Russia. IGR manages the supply chain from the port of loading to the discharge port.